We present the third of the case studies prepared as part of the Better Cooperate Project. This time an example of activities from Italy prepared for us by one of the Partners: Exeo Lab.
The University of Bologna in Italy has developed an educational programme in the field of social economy as part of the European project 4Ces. The programme involves an approach focused on community needs and the promotion of social entrepreneurship.
The aim of this initiative is to implement innovative training methods in teaching the social economy. The programme is implemented with the support of numerous tools and modern techniques. Podcasts, gamification and simulations are just some of the elements used in the programme.
A pilot implementation of the programme was tested on the Forlì campus by the Faculty of Business Sciences of the University of Bologna as part of the European 4Ces project on social economics, which emphasises knowledge co-creation, collaborative learning practices, social interconnection, and community development.
The 4Ces project is co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance programme. Its main objective is to develop innovative teaching methodologies for social economy training through a multi-stakeholder approach.
The aim is to understand what those studying and working in the emerging field of social economics need. This insight will help create the first European master’s degree in social economics. The programme will cover everything from social entrepreneurship to impact assessment of public value creation.
The implementation of the programme at the University of Bologna has had a strong impact on future leaders in the ES sector. Students have demonstrated a high level of commitment and motivation, developing practical skills and a deep understanding of the basic principles of social economics.
Many graduates of the course have successfully launched social enterprises and non-profit organisations.
Although the project work has been completed, the Partners of this Project will continue to work together for at least another 5-8 years to develop the community created around the work on the social economy education programm
More information:
The Italian article: https://magazine.unibo.it/archivio/2023/01/27/social-economy-4ces-formazione-innovativa-per-leconomia-sociale
Project: https://socialeconomy4ces.auth.gr/
See movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZBZrau6SMQ&t=1s / How do we create a truly social economy?