The second project partner meeting is behind us. The event was hosted by Italian partner EXEO Lab srl and the project team met in Potenza on 27-28 May this year.
The meeting was divided into two parts. During the first, which was directly dedicated to project management, the partners discussed the current schedule, the tasks already completed, as well as those whose completion still requires additional work. Successful completion of the Research Report: Working Better Together. Social entrepreneurship in formal and informal educationand informal education. The report in English and in national language versions is now available on the project website. Work is well advanced on the educational programme on social entrepreneurship, as well as on lesson plans on social entrepreneurship. The latter still required discussion and clarification of some key assumptions.
The project team was also satisfied with the status of the work related to the dissemination of the project, its assumptions and results. The audience for our activities on social media channels (FB and Instagram) is growing slowly but steadily. Thank you!
And it was the second day that was related to dissemination activities – at the invitation of the hosts, we took part in a meeting with stakeholders and potential users of the project. Particularly inspiring was the speech by the representative of Confcooperative Basilicata, who presented the organisation’s experience in setting up and operating student cooperatives. The knowledge and contacts gained will certainly pay off!

Meeting in partners’ media:
UCOERM: La opinion de Murcia:
EXEO Lab srl: Antenna Sud: